Blog Archives

Google wants you to grow with them

We couldn’t help but to share what we’ve come across today. As we were logging into our g mail account we couldn’t help but notice the “Grow with Google” link. You can click here to visit the Google page, which has all the juicy details. It looks as though Google has partnered with Coursera, Goodwill and others to bring us tools for success. Google seems to be offering tons of resources to students, teachers,job seekers and even developers! It’s worth a look to see what all they have to offer. As we browse through their site we will be sure to share what we’ve uncovered. We plan to benefit from these tools as well. Good luck.

Entrepreneur. What is it?


An entrepreneur is someone who assumes the big financial risk of starting and running a new business venture. The business venture can be based on totally a new idea, a new way  of doing something, or inventing something that has never been invented before. The choice is up to the individual. Entrepreneurship can be scary for some but rewarding for others. If takes a great deal of patience and hard work. Nothing happens overnight. There are many ways to start the rewarding career path of an entrepreneur if one simply will just start with research and self evaluation. The rest is a wonderful journey. Have faith in yourself and in your abilities to start the path of being a successful entrepreneur. This blog can be a wonderful starting place for those that have no idea of where to start. We share resources that encourages YOU.